2015 Runner Up: Paying for Success in Community Corrections
Read about this original approach to community corrections that directly builds the performance goal of recidivism reduction into contracts with privately operated halfway houses, providing financial incentives for recidivism reduction and penalties for increases in recidivism. The use of contractual recidivism performance targets helps to reduce recidivism by making community corrections facilities more accountable for public safety outcomes.

2015 Runner Up: Employing Intelligence-Driven Prosecution to Improve Crime Prevention
Learn about an innovative partnership model that helps reduce and prevent crime by improving the timely and accurate sharing of criminal intelligence throughout the District Attorney's Office and among all law enforcement agencies. This unique approach to information-sharing allows for effective use of the vast amounts of data on crime patterns gleaned from thousands of cases each year and helps identify entrenched crime hotspots to design proactive investigation and prosecution strategies to address them.

2015 Runner Up: The Returning Home Ohio Pilot Project
Learn about a program that combines affordable, permanent housing with a range of supportive services that help vulnerable populations with the complex challenges of homelessness and incarceration. The pilot provides housing and services critical to the maintenance of recovery and stable living for those who cycle through institutional and emergency systems and are at risk of long term homelessness, and those persons with a serious mental illness and dual disorders.

2015 Special Recognition: The Ex-Offender Workforce Entrepreneur Project
Discover how an innovative housing and treatment program uses small farm-driven entrepreneurial enterprise to improve prisoner recovery, skillset development, and workforce integration.

2015 Special Recognition: A Multi-Agency Approach to Re-purpose Correctional Facilities
Find out how Massachusetts can A repurpose its corrections facilities to accommodate an expansion of reentry programming and maximize utilization of DOC resources.

2015 Special Recognition: The Employment Bridge Project
Learn about a new education and re-entry initiative wherein high performing prisoners serving mid-to-long term sentences could earn a four-year college degree and repay the state for educating them through government employment.

2015 Special Recognition: Cross-Lab Redundancy in Forensic Science
An inventive proposal to eliminate the two-fold monopoly in forensic science by mandating independent analyses of evidence through random selection testing performed by multiple laboratories.

2014 Winner: Increasing Productivity for Protective Services Agencies
Protective Services Agencies are burdened by paperwork and red tape. Learn how Northwoods’ Compass® application helps social workers use Cloud technology to increase productivity—which saves time and money and improves the quality of services provided to those in need.

2014 Runner Up: A No-Cost Innovation to Increase Access to Health Care
Learn how a legislative change could increase the number of independent practices across America, giving more citizens affordable and accessible health care.

2014 Runner Up: An Online Portal for Handicap Parking Applications
Discover how one state's Department of Motor Vehicles is using technology to streamline the handicapped parking application process and virtually eliminate a backlog of permit requests.