2017 Better Government Competition Winner: Hebrew SeniorLife's R3: Right Care, Right Place, Right Time
Submitted by: Kim Brooks, Chief Operating Officer, Senior Living, Hebrew…

2016 Special Recognition: Coordinating Care For Individuals Transitioning Through The Corrections System
Ensuring adequate health care for justice-involved individuals…

Virtual Therapy Environments: leveraging new technologies to treat wounded warriors
The policy proposal discussed in this article, from Dr. Charles…

2016 Winner: North Carolina Mobile Medication Program
A pilot project that provides home visiting support to help ensure continuity of care for adults with severe psychiatric illness. The program focuses on low-income participants who have been prescribed psychiatric medications, and have a history of hospitalization or repeated emergency room visits.

2016 Runner Up: Integrated Healthcare and Substance Use Collaborative
A partnership between behavioral health specialists working within primary care practices and the hospital Emergency Department, and the police department, school district, and Mental Health and Drug Courts to address the community’s substance abuse needs through comprehensive support.

2016 Runner Up: Multi-Tiered Behavioral Health Facility Diverts Individuals from the Criminal Justice System
A community-based facility that would provide multi-tiered support services and short- and long-term treatment for individuals with serious mental illness, as an alternative to incarceration.

2016 Runner Up: Text Message Crisis Counseling
A text messaging service that connects teens and young adults in crisis to trained counselors and resources.

2016 Runner Up: Psychosis Identification and Early Referral (PIER) Program
An early detection, intervention and prevention model for at-risk youth that identifies and mitigates symptoms of psychosis through community outreach, assessment, and treatment.

2015 Winner: Reducing Recidivism through Education
Learn about the unique education model of the Five Keys Charter School, which provides full-time education to adult inmates and is independently designed and operated by the San Francisco Sheriff's Department,. The program includes community college dual-enrollment programs, vocational training and training in restorative justice. The proven model reverses the 'school to prison pipeline' and reduces recidivism by implementing alternative discipline methods and structuring content that meets the complex learning needs of incarcerated students.

2015 Runner Up: Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet Programs
Discover a specialized delivery model for high school curriculum developed for at-risk youths interested in a law enforcement career. The LA Magnet Schools provides a better understanding of law enforcement through coursework, training, mentoring, work and volunteer opportunities and also provides the Los Angeles Police Department with a high quality recruiting resource while establishing a bond between juveniles and their local police.