2014 Runner Up: Online Database to Streamline the Sale of Public Lands
The US spends $1.7 billion each year on the maintenance of approximately 77,000 lots that sit empty and unused. Learn how an online database can save local governments money while generating economic development.

2014 Runner Up: Increasing Accessibility and Accountability in the City of Boston
Discover how a repurposed bomb squad truck can you save you time, hassle, and headaches. Learn more about how City Hall To Go is serving up 47 public services to Boston communities.

Promoting High-Impact Startups to Create a More Robust Economy
2013 Runner Up: MassChallenge is the largest accelerator program and startup competition in the world. This post explores the program's growing impact on job creation and state revenue generation.

Freeing Entrepreneurs from Overreaching Government Regulations
2013 Runner Up: Municipal regulations are hindering entrepreneurial growth in several major cities. A reduction in regulations has the potential to expand employment opportunities throughout regional industries, from taxicabs to home-based businesses.

Government Transparency Derivatives
Government units from towns to states retirement systems are not required to disclose their use of derivatives. This post discusses how to create transparency through Dodd-Frank Act by including government units to also publicly disclose their derivatives.

Coordinated Care Management for Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries
Medicare and Medicaid have been a foundation of helping the nation’s most vulnerable and truly needy citizens. More than 63 million Americans are enrolled and combined state and federal spending in 2010 was nearly $400 billion. This post discusses possibilities for a new integrated Medicare and Medicaid program to save money and lower tax dollars

Reducing Congestion Through Performance-Based Transportation Programs
A reason why traffic congestion has worsen through out the years is road capacity has not kept up with population, licensed drivers, automobiles and vehicle miles traveled. Consider here the benefits of performance-based systems with measurable goals for congestion relief.

Devolving U.S.A.I.D. Training to State Colleges and Universities
State departments of higher education have campus liaison responsibilities. In the proposal here, those responsibilities would include channeling USAID requests for Participant Training to state colleges and universities.

Turning Back Road Financing to the States
The powers of the Highway Revenue Act expired June 30th, 1972 however we continue to seek federal financing of highway construction. Explore the advantages and disadvantages to the states taking control of highway construction and maintenance.

A Holistic Approach to Regulatory Reform
The problem of federal overreach and regulation is states are often either passive participants in regulatory activity or unwilling instruments of executive policy. Check out the benefits of an Upstream Approach where new regulations where costs exceed benefits would be prohibited and a limit would be placed on the number of agency regulations during the implementation of a law.