Transportation Investment, Powered by Cryptocurrency
Technology’s ability to radically reform the way industry and…

2015 Special Recognition: The Ex-Offender Workforce Entrepreneur Project
Discover how an innovative housing and treatment program uses small farm-driven entrepreneurial enterprise to improve prisoner recovery, skillset development, and workforce integration.

2014 Runner Up: A No-Cost Innovation to Increase Access to Health Care
Learn how a legislative change could increase the number of independent practices across America, giving more citizens affordable and accessible health care.

2014 Runner Up: Online Database to Streamline the Sale of Public Lands
The US spends $1.7 billion each year on the maintenance of approximately 77,000 lots that sit empty and unused. Learn how an online database can save local governments money while generating economic development.

2014 Special Recognition: A Social Media Platform Connecting Elected Leaders and Their Constituents
Learn how Powerline, a web platform, seeks to increase civic engagement by connecting citizens and their leaders.

Reinventing the Local Economy Through Sustainable Urban Redevelopment
2013 Runner Up: Over 15 years ago, North Charleston, S.C. experienced the closure of its major naval base. Today, the city has exciting new plans to revitalize its local economy and culture.

Step-Up Achieve
2013 Special Recognition Awardee: A public-private partnership providing workplace experience to low-income and minority youth.

Public-Private Partnership for Local Public-Goods Provision
Public-Private Partnerships can be win-win situations for businesses and government units. Take a look at the standards and goals for successful PPPs including securing cheaper financing to fund critical development goals.

Arizona Correctional Industries Partnering with Private Sector Companies
Bill Branson - Arizona Correctional Industries - State of Arizona