
Expanding PACE to Serve a Larger Population of Seniors
Older adults face a number of difficult choices in determining…

2017 Runner Up: Early Detection and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Submitted by: Professor David L. Weimer and Dr. Mark Sager

2014 Runner Up: A No-Cost Innovation to Increase Access to Health Care
Learn how a legislative change could increase the number of independent practices across America, giving more citizens affordable and accessible health care.

Coordinated Care Management for Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries
Medicare and Medicaid have been a foundation of helping the nation’s most vulnerable and truly needy citizens. More than 63 million Americans are enrolled and combined state and federal spending in 2010 was nearly $400 billion. This post discusses possibilities for a new integrated Medicare and Medicaid program to save money and lower tax dollars

Florida’s Medicaid Cure
Foundation for Government Accountability
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming…

Containing the Cost of Medicaid by Providing Housing for Homeless Individuals
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP) and Massachusetts…

Balanced Incentives for Health
Mitchell T. Rabkin, M.D., and John S. Cook, D.Phil.

Observations from the Front Lines: The State Can Save Money and Provide Good Care
Gracemarie Tomaselli and Joyce Tomaselli
Medicaid Specialists