Leveraging the Social Capital of Aging Adults through Volunteering
When someone pictures generations connecting through volunteering,…

nesterly brings intergenerational housing to the modern world
Can intergenerational housing make a comeback after the heyday…

Wisconsin Coalition for Collaborative Excellence in Assisted Living Brings Uniformity to Industry Standards
Since the 1980’s, assisted living centers (ALCs) have offered…

Aging Right in the Community: A Boston Medical Proposal Ending Homelessness in Older Adults
The American homeless population is in the midst of its own ‘silver…

The Return to Community Initiative Brings Minnesotan Nursing Home Residents Back to Their Neighborhoods
The rising cost of nursing home residency only exacerbates the…

Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Seniors Age Together in Supportive Affordable Senior Housing
Aging can change the body in drastic ways—and some individuals…

Encore Boston Network Plans to Mobilize Older Adults to Support Critical Government Services
Childhood and late adulthood are associated with vastly different…

Simple Cognitive Tests Lead to Earlier Detection and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a leading cause of death for older…