Advancing STEM Through Real-Time Support in Small School Districts
For many years, standardized test results have painted a disheartening…

2014 Runner Up: Increasing Accessibility and Accountability in the City of Boston
Discover how a repurposed bomb squad truck can you save you time, hassle, and headaches. Learn more about how City Hall To Go is serving up 47 public services to Boston communities.

2014 Special Recognition: A Social Media Platform Connecting Elected Leaders and Their Constituents
Learn how Powerline, a web platform, seeks to increase civic engagement by connecting citizens and their leaders.

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Manufacturing Revitalization
2013 WINNER: In traditional job training programs, the unemployed get training and hope they can find jobs that match their acquired skills up to 3, 6, or 9 months from now. Learn why on-the-job training may be the better option.

Evaluating State Incentives for Business
2013 Runner Up: Massachusetts spends over $2.2 billion per year on jobs incentives such as film tax credits, but not all serve their purpose. Discover a three-part assessment system to help state agencies determine whether to introduce a new incentive.

Reinventing the Local Economy Through Sustainable Urban Redevelopment
2013 Runner Up: Over 15 years ago, North Charleston, S.C. experienced the closure of its major naval base. Today, the city has exciting new plans to revitalize its local economy and culture.

Promoting High-Impact Startups to Create a More Robust Economy
2013 Runner Up: MassChallenge is the largest accelerator program and startup competition in the world. This post explores the program's growing impact on job creation and state revenue generation.

Freeing Entrepreneurs from Overreaching Government Regulations
2013 Runner Up: Municipal regulations are hindering entrepreneurial growth in several major cities. A reduction in regulations has the potential to expand employment opportunities throughout regional industries, from taxicabs to home-based businesses.

Steve Forbes Delivers Keynote at 2013 Better Government Competition Awards Dinner
Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine, will deliver the keynote address at Pioneer Institute’s 2013 Better Government Competition Awards ceremony on September 30th, from 6-9 pm, in Boston.