Announcing Pioneer Institute's 2019 Better Government Competition: "Moving People, Moving Goods, Moving Forward"
**Deadline Extended to MAY 31, 2019**
America is a country…

2014 Runner Up: An Online Portal for Handicap Parking Applications
Discover how one state's Department of Motor Vehicles is using technology to streamline the handicapped parking application process and virtually eliminate a backlog of permit requests.

2014 Special Recognition: Creation of a Federal RMV Could Save States Millions
By consolidating state DMVs and RMVs, each state can save upwards of $3 million annually, while saving their citizens time and trouble. Learn more about how a Federal Registry of Motor Vehicles can improve labor force liquidity while helping law enforcement do their jobs.

2014 Special Recognition: MBTA Innovation Makes Smart Phones Even Smarter
Innovation at no cost? Learn how a mobile app can save MBTA riders and the Commonwealth money, time, and headaches on Commuter Rail and Ferry lines.

Reducing Congestion Through Performance-Based Transportation Programs
A reason why traffic congestion has worsen through out the years is road capacity has not kept up with population, licensed drivers, automobiles and vehicle miles traveled. Consider here the benefits of performance-based systems with measurable goals for congestion relief.

Turning Back Road Financing to the States
The powers of the Highway Revenue Act expired June 30th, 1972 however we continue to seek federal financing of highway construction. Explore the advantages and disadvantages to the states taking control of highway construction and maintenance.

Public-Private Partnership for Local Public-Goods Provision
Public-Private Partnerships can be win-win situations for businesses and government units. Take a look at the standards and goals for successful PPPs including securing cheaper financing to fund critical development goals.

MassDOT Developers Initiative
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)

Managing the Nantasket Beach Reservation: Improving Services and Cutting Costs through Local Control
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Re-Inventing Justice Project: A Court-Community Partnership
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming Soon[/tab]
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