Innovations in legislative transparency

The digital revolution has changed the way we look at government,…

2014 Runner Up: Increasing Accessibility and Accountability in the City of Boston

Discover how a repurposed bomb squad truck can you save you time, hassle, and headaches. Learn more about how City Hall To Go is serving up 47 public services to Boston communities.

2014 Special Recognition: Utilizing Technology to Help America's Businesses

Discover how collaboration within the federal government has produced an all-inclusive online portal designed to help businesspeople take advantage of government tools and benefits.

2014 Special Recognition: A Social Media Platform Connecting Elected Leaders and Their Constituents

Learn how Powerline, a web platform, seeks to increase civic engagement by connecting citizens and their leaders.

Government Transparency Derivatives

Government units from towns to states retirement systems are not required to disclose their use of derivatives. This post discusses how to create transparency through Dodd-Frank Act by including government units to also publicly disclose their derivatives.

A Proposal for State and Local Government Pension Reform

State Representative Will Brownsberger Boston, MA [tab name="MEDIA…

Florida Benchmarking Consortium

The John Scott Daily Florida Institute of Government University…

Apps for Democracy

iStrategy Labs and DC’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer…

Creation of an All-Payer, All-Provider Claims Database (APPCD)

Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy Boston,…

Benchmarking to Make State Government More Efficient

Introduction Benchmarking has long been used in the private…