Transforming a Municipal Bureaucracy
City of Carrollton, Texas
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Using Incentives to Fight Fraud and Reduce the Cost of Auto Insurance
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming Soon[/tab]
[tab name="VIDEO"]Coming…
Benchmarking to Make State Government More Efficient
Benchmarking has long been used in the private…
Fixing Civil Service in Massachusetts
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming Soon[/tab]
[tab name="VIDEO"]Coming…
Managing the Nantasket Beach Reservation: Improving Services and Cutting Costs through Local Control
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[tab name="VIDEO"]Coming…
Balancing the Needs of Regular and Special Eduaction Students
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Re-Inventing Justice Project: A Court-Community Partnership
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming Soon[/tab]
[tab name="VIDEO"]Coming…
Digital Court Initiative for the Massachusetts Small Claims Courts
[tab name="MEDIA COVERAGE"]Coming Soon[/tab]
[tab name="VIDEO"]Coming…